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Hi! I found your company through my research on the internet. I have been looking for a company like yours for a long time now. I suffer from Nerve Impingement Syndrome and my doctor has suggested physical therapy to stimulate blood flow. I was pleased to find that your company does just that. While I was researching which product I was looking for, I noticed that in the shopping cart that as a Canadian Company you're charging in USD. What is your reasoning for this? I have already placed my order, I was just curious to know why.


Hi Michelle!  To answer your question, King Brand has had to change their pricing to reflect the cost of the dollar. It was simply just getting too costly to ship to our Canadian Customers.  Previously, we charged for our products in the currency of the customer's country (CAD for Canadians or USD for United States).  Base pricing on the website never changed.  We waited as long as we could but had to come to a decision as to how we could still be cost efficient and provide the best service and products to all of our customers.  The choice was either to increase the price and charge in CAD to our Canadian customers, or, simply charge in USD and have the Credit Card companies handle the exchange rate.  Ultimately, the decision to charge in USD, in the long run, is the best for our Canadian customers as it will be the closest to what the current dollar value is on any given date.  In the future, as the dollar closes the gap, the exchange rate will change faster than we will be able to reflect it in our pricing.  I hope this helps answer your question.  Kind Regards, Patricia


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