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Knee Effusion



I'm considering purchasing the King Brand package but I wanted to make sure it can treat my condition. Around 4 months ago, I woke up to painful knee swelling and inflammation in my left knee. The only warning I had before the swelling started was a few days prior, I was experiencing minor knee pain in that knee, but it didn't affect my walking at all so I just continued with my normal activities. I didn't sustain any kind of injury before this started and I did several x rays and ultrasounds, which were all normal, with no broken bones, meniscus tears, or any kind of injury at all. The only result was from the ultrasound, which reports "suprapatellar effusion".

In the beginning, my family doctor and walk-in clinic doctors suspected it to be overuse and just prescribed me ibuprofen or naproxen. I took the medicine for a while but stopped after a few weeks because I felt like it got rid of the pain but the knee effusion was still there. During this time I did numerous forms of treatment, like acupuncture, drinking Chinese herbal medicine, putting on medicinal plasters, etc. It was very confusing because sometimes it would feel better and then sometimes it would be back to where it started. Also, I limited my physical activity this time and only did very little walking that was necessary.

Eventually, after 2 or 3 months of this, I began to be able to put weight on the knee and the pain was a lot better. But the thing is, the effusion/inflammation was clearly still there and I couldn't straighten my knee or walk properly. During the Christmas holidays of 2021, I went for acupuncture and massage therapy, which I thought helped a lot. I can put weight on my knee now and straighten it slowly when I'm lying down but I still can't straighten it when I'm walking and it's still far from when it was normal. I think it's obvious there is still an accumulation of fluid in my knee, which is what's limiting its motion, but it's hard to put my finger on it because I almost look normal when I walk and there's no pain anymore, just stiffness and pressure when I try to straighten it while walking.

It's hard to figure out the root of the problem and I'm not sure if the KingBrand product treats this kind of problem, but I can be sure there is for sure inflammation because my affected knee is often warmer than my normal knee and you can feel a little bit of puffiness when you press on it.

Thank you for your time and hopefully KingBrand is the solution to this problem?


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