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What makes this medical device and what make the tingling feelings ?


What make this a medical device ?  And what makes the tingling feelings?  Thank you

Thank you for your inquiry.  The details on the safety standards and being a Class II medical device can be found on our website for more details

The tingling you may or may not feel is your own stimulated blood flow.  The wrap uses electro magnetic energy to promote circulation right through the targeted area.  If the area has been lacking good blood flow or has been inflamed, you may feel a tingling sensation.  The feeling is from the added blood flow, not the wrap.  Some people feel it and others don't.  You will always feel a slight warming sensation.  That warming with vary depending on the level of inflammation and your own conditioned circulation to the affected area.  As you become more conditioned and inflammation reduced, the warming sensation will come down.

I hope this information helps.  Feel free to contact us with any further questions.


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