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Customer Support => Questions & Answers About Our Products => Topic started by: danielsrz777 on May 20, 2020, 10:02:15 AM

Title: Wrist/Hand/Finger
Post by: danielsrz777 on May 20, 2020, 10:02:15 AM
Good morning,

Back in December 2018 I broke my forth and fifth metacarpals. My hand specialist doctor recently this month said that my bones did heal.

However, what he notice was tenderness in my wrist areas especially the pinky side of my hand. He believes the impact received on my hand caused the tenderness Which confirm why I was feeling discomforting pain, tingling, sometimes sharp sensations from the wrist to my pinky figure.

Is it common to feel these symptoms after the metacarpals have healed? If I understand correctly, when my metacarpals fractured, the tendons in my wrist to my hand were affected as well.

And how will the BFST wrap help my wrist to fully recover from the mentioned symptoms above and will my entire hand also feel the benefits of pain relief and healing?

Thank you kindly in advanced for your answer.

Have a good day.


Daniel  :)

Title: Re: Wrist/Hand/Finger
Post by: CS on May 21, 2020, 09:54:25 AM

The BFST Wrist Wrap brings oxygen and nutrient-rich blood to the injured area of your wrist. This increase in blood flow works to actively heal your damaged tissues. Unfortunately, an injured wrist at rest usually has very limited blood flow. While physical activity promotes blood flow, it can also lead to re-injury and a worsened condition. With the BFST Wrist Wrap, blood flow can be stimulated in the injured area while you're at rest. With improved blood flow and without physical activity and the risk of re-injury, you can relieve your Wrist Pain at a surprisingly rapid rate.

When using the BFST all that is expected is a slight warming sensation.  From the Energy Web, it is a penetrating wavelength (electromagnetic energy) that stimulates blood flow within the soft tissues.  During treatments you should not be feeling a high heat like you would with a conventional heating pad.

The electromagnetic energy is localized to the area below the energy web. Generally speaking, it is best to treat the current point of pain. If the tendons in the wrist are still recovering it is important to treat them directly. If you are looking to target the point of injury, the hand/fingers, the wrist wrap can also be wrapped around the palm/finger area. The whole hand can benefit from increased blood flow to complete the healing process and prevent re-injury in the future.

Kind Regards,
King Brand