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Heal Conditions With Tendinitis Symptoms

Tendinitis Symptoms and Advanced Treatment

Many tendon related conditions use a common treatment.

Do these symptoms describe your condition?
  • Aching, Burning or Throbbing Pain that gets worse with use and gets better with rest
  • Pain that is worse during a range of motion but not just at one point in a motion
  • Pain that persists for a long time after you have stopped moving
  • Swelling of a tendon that feels like a thicker than normal rope or string under your skin
  • Pain that gets less when you take something (meds) for pain but comes back when the drugs wear off
  • Pain that has persisted for a long time or has come and gone over a long time
  • Pain that has come on over time but isn't the result of a sudden injury you can remember
  • Generally few other symptoms and you are otherwise healthy
  • A jumping or unsmooth feeling in your tendon when you go through certain motions
You might have tendinitis.

How To Be Sure

A doctor can generally determine if it's tendinitis by a simple examination. She/he may possibly order an X-ray, Ultrasound or MRI. These tests may or may not show the tendinitis but they can also be helpful for eliminating other possible causes for your symptoms such as a fracture or localized tissue tear.

Treatment For the General Public

The standard Doctor's direction for most tendon injuries including tendinitis, tenosynovitis and tendinosis is to rest the injury and let it heal over time. Doctors usually recommend patients try to limit motion to the affected tendon as much as possible. To ease discomfort doctors often suggest taking something for the pain. With this course of treatment, in most cases, the tendon will heal itself within 1 to 3 months. If you want superior treatment though, anyone can choose the same treatment used for Professional Athletes.

Pain Management For Professional Athletes

Athletic therapists keep their athletes away from pain killers. For the best results to manage pain they use ColdCure® treatments. ColdCure® serves to actually reduce inflammation and control pain without adverse side effects. ColdCure® technology can contribute significantly to reduced pain and more rapid recovery for high priority patients.

Tendinitis Treatment For Professional Athletes

Once the pain and swelling is under control, athletic therapists know the tendinitis is not fully healed. When the pain and swelling is gone, stimulating circulation in the affected tendon is extremely important to complete the healing process. BFST® (Blood Flow Stimulation Therapy) can stimulate blood flow and lymphatic circulation to provide the affected tendon with the best conditions for rapid and complete healing. BFST ® treatments are typically supplemented with gentle stretching and exercise. During this process a recurrence of pain or swelling is an indicator that more rest is required before resuming therapy. A prolonged period of gradually increased therapy with no recurrence of symptoms is required to consider the condition healed. The longer the condition persists before treatment, typically the longer the healing process will take. This is why Professional athletes take tendinitis symptoms very seriously.

Click here for information on the Best Treatments for Tendinitis
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Tendinitis symptoms can vary. Symptoms of Tendinitis may be common to symptoms of other tendon issues. Symptoms of tendinitis may be consistent with other conditions, injuries or ailments. A Doctor should review your symptoms to determine if the problems is tendinitis. Not all symptoms need to be present. Often only one or two symptoms exist. Treat the tendon after the symptoms have gone away. When the symptoms are gone the tendinitis is not gone, just the pain is. The tendinitis needs to be treated for a long time after the symptoms have gone.

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