King Brand Company
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Reseller Locations

The above map indicates the retailers that carry King Brand® products.

Placing your cursor over a pin-pointed location will display the name of the retailer and clicking on it will display the retailer's address.

Not every location will carry every style of King Brand® product. Before you make a trip to your chosen retail location, please feel free to contact us to check if they carry the products you need.

If you have any questions or concerns about King Brand® BFST® and ColdCure® products or treatments, or any retailer, please contact us via email or telephone.

Toll Free: 1-844-672-9440
International: 360-746-2787

Customer Service:

Note from KB WebMaster - The text below is primarily intended to assist with Google properly classifying this page content. To learn more about our products please visit our website.
We have King Brand re-sellers located in Ontario, British Columbia and the United States. Place your cursor over the point on the map for the name of the retail location. Not every King Brand retailer will have every King Brand product. Please call our Customer Service Team before visiting a retailer to ensure they have the products you are looking for. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our products or retailers, you can also email us.

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